Vergangene Events

Vorstellung Ferrari 812 Superfast @Showroom Niki Hasler AG (CH)

Vorstellung Ferrari 812 Superfast @Showroom Niki Hasler AG (CH)

Wir stellen den, im Genfer Autosalon vorgestellten, 812 Superfast exklusiv für Sie in unserem Showroom aus. Kommen Sie am Dienstag, 21. März 2017, von 09.00-12.00 und 13.00-18.00 Uhr, in unserem temporären Showroom an der Hardstrasse 43, Basel vorbei.

We have the rare opportunity to exclusively present you the Ferrari 812 Superfast, which premiered at the Geneva International Motor Show. Please come by our temporary showroom at Hardstrasse 43, Basel on Tuesday 21st of March 2017, during the timeslots 09.00-12.00 and 13.00-18.00 o`clock.

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