Vergangene Events

Ferrari Racing Days @Silverstone (UK)

Ferrari Racing Days @Silverstone (UK)

Bereits über 40 Mal, fand auf dem Silverstone Circuit in Großbritannien, die Grand Prix der Formel 1 statt. Auch Sie haben die Möglichkeit, während den Ferrari Racing Days, auf dieser imposanten Strecke Ihren Ferrari zu testen oder Challenge-Rennen live mitzuerleben.

The Ferrari Club Challenge is a new program inspired by the Ferrari Challenge series. The club is open to all Ferrari Challenge car owners (360, 430, 458, 488) who want to enjoy the ride on a racetrack.

The Club Challenge takes place on Thursdays for one day only. It is always before the European Ferrari Passione Races, and lets you drive in a real race atmosphere. There are five such events distributed over different cities in Europe during the Passione Racing season.

You can watch the Passione Races happening during the weekend in Silverstone, in an exclusive and exciting real race environment. During the break of the race, you will have the chance to drive some rounds on the racetrack yourself.

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